WAR Convict was established in 2014, started as a music label, now morphed into a multi-content marketing agency, offering A&R, management and event planning services. We consists of newly joined animators, designers and the original music production team. With our film production partners, we’re able to expand our services and work with brands on a larger scale. We continue to excel in managing channels online, music and video production, advertising music production, music related event planning, crossovers, and online music education.
Media News
陳小律 GreenTed
影像導演與音樂製作人,沃康特企業社創意總監 / 負責人,數位編曲音樂教育推手,音樂與影像的結合,製作過多首知名品牌廣告配樂,也擔任過多張嘻哈專輯的製作人及編曲者。主導戰犯音樂的運作,自身工作經歷豐富,從MV導演、專案統籌、廣告配樂製作、演唱會企劃導演、到整體監製…等皆能勝任且帶來高質感之作品。
Director and music producer, creative director and manager of WAR Convict, and a mentor in the eduction of digital audio production. Combines the power of music and visuals. He produced many name brands’ advertising music, acted as a producer / arranger of many Hiphop albums, he is also the head of the music label “WAR Convict”. He has a variety of working experiences in the field, from being a music video director, project manager, ad music producer concert director, to creative directing. He can do it all and deliver high quality end results.